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Pavlov Had a Point

Paul Harney, (Nov 25, 2016)

How can we help patients to overcome the emotional barriers to taking their medicines?

US Physicians Still Need Education on Biosimilars

Nick de Cent, (Nov 14, 2016)

SERMO poll highlights knowledge gaps.

The Art of Innovation: How to Become a "Partner of Choice"

Nick de Cent, (Nov 8, 2016)

How can pharma companies ensure they’re first in line when researchers and entrepreneurs come knocking?

Walking in the Patient's Shoes

Dr Nicola Davies, (Nov 2, 2016)

Takeda's trailblazing, immersive employee initiative aims at educating employees about what it's really like to be an IBD patient.

The Aurora Project: Advancing the Patient-Focused Movement

Nicola Davies, (Oct 25, 2016)

For the first time, founding members open up The Aurora Project to the public.

Transformational HR: The Human Connection

Dr Nicola Davies, (Oct 18, 2016)

In part 2 of our HR series, technological & cultural transformations are becoming necessary to achieve competitive advantage.

9 Hot Trends in Human Resources

Dr Nicola Davies, (Oct 11, 2016)

In part one of a two part series, Dr Nicola Davies speaks to international HR experts to identify emerging trends.

What Do Patients Want from Pharma? An 8-Step Guide

Graham Shelton, (Oct 6, 2016)

If you treat patients like grown-ups and listen to what they have to say, you might be surprised what you hear.

Pharma’s Nutritional Value

Adam Hill, (Oct 4, 2016)

Nestlé Health Science CEO, Greg Behar on why nutrition could be good for pharma’s health

"Creating Ripples" with an Award-Winning Focus on Patients

Paul Simms, (Sep 30, 2016)

Søren Eik Skovlund is changing the conversation about diabetes patients’ health and influencing national health guidelines.
