
8 Takeaways from the Incite Content Webinar

Mark Kersteen, (Aug 25, 2014)

Last week, we were lucky enough to have Susan Rafizadeh, Director - Global Marketing Life Sciences for SAP, Bayard Saunders, Director, Internet Sales...

Customer Experience on Both Sides of the Atlantic

Mark Kersteen, (Aug 20, 2014)

Customer experience is critical for marketers, no matter where they're located. Learn all about it from professionals in London and in New York at...

Management Spotlight: Matt Warnock, Philips

Liam Dowd, (Aug 18, 2014)

Matt Warnock, Digital Editor in Chief at Philips speaks to us about social media strategy, tools, ROI and much more

Activision on Content: What's it worth, what's its future?

Mark Kersteen, (Aug 8, 2014)

Jonathan Anastas is the Vice-President, Global Brand Marketing, Head of Digital and Social Media for Activision, the publishers of the phenomenally...

Customer Centric Social Media Part 3: Personalise the omni-channel

adaptive, (Aug 7, 2014)

Reaching the customer in their domain, no matter where it may be…

How did the Weather Company become more data-driven?

Mark Kersteen, (Jul 30, 2014)

This November, Eric Hadley is going to find some time out of his role as the Senior Vice-President of Sales and Marketing for the Weather Company to...

Social Measurement: Have brands lost sight of what matters?

adaptive, (Jul 30, 2014)

Social media is coming into focus for many corporations. However, more work needs to be done.

B2B Content Maturity

adaptive, (Jul 23, 2014)

Content is still king across social media. New research however, suggests that B2B marketers are still struggling to convert the content they produce into tangible revenue

Customer Centric Social Media Part 1: From Products to People

adaptive, (Jul 23, 2014)

For corporations to succeed they need to make the move from a product-focused approach to one that is more customer-focused

What channels make marketers most uncomfortable?

Mark Kersteen, (Jul 21, 2014)

Last week, we asked over 170 marketers which channels they were confident in, which they weren’t, and which they were able to deliver consistent...

How Mobile Will Shake Up the Marketer's Role

Mark Kersteen, (Jul 17, 2014)

Recently, I was interviewed by our friends at MobileTechCreate. If you’re interested in mobile (and how could you not be?), we highly suggest you...

What the Comcast Call Can Teach Us About Customer-Centricity

Mark Kersteen, (Jul 16, 2014)

You’ve likely already heard this soul-sucking conversation Ryan Block had with a very… Determined customer service representative at Comcast....

Are Marketers Being Unsafe Data Hogs?

Mark Kersteen, (Jul 14, 2014)

Last week, we collaborated with over two-hundred marketers to find out how they planned to use their customer data. (If you’d like to join our...

Have We Reached 'Peak Social?'

Nick Johnson, (Jul 14, 2014)

The latest dataset from USM’s ‘State of Corporate Social Media’ survey shows that progress is slowing

Who's Speaking at the Incite Summit: East?

Mark Kersteen, (Jul 9, 2014)

We’ve just released the speaker list for 2014’s Incite Summit: East in New York. The event will be taking place at the historic New Yorker Hotel...

Press Release: The future of corporate social media? Customer Centricity!

Anonymous, (Jul 9, 2014)

Vice-Presidents and Directors from the world’s biggest and most social brands will gather at an annual summit in September to outline the future of corporate social media

Impact Measurement Part 2: Value-Driven Impact

adaptive, (Jul 9, 2014)

Generating a clear and transparent methodology for assessing social efforts against business goals is the key to positively influencing your business’ bottom line

3 Content Findings That Will Make You Rethink Your Strategy

Mark Kersteen, (Jul 7, 2014)

Last week, we surveyed over 300 marketers about the state of their content. We were surprised, and troubled, by some of our findings. The results...

The Wednesday Update including a YouTube minute, Facebook Page Apps, user profiling and good content marketing

Liam Dowd, (Jul 2, 2014)

YouTube minute, Facebook Page Apps, user profiling and good content marketing

The Wednesday Update including user generated sales, the power of social humour and the battle of the mobile sexes

Liam Dowd, (Jun 25, 2014)

User generated sales, the power of social humour and the battle of the mobile sexes
