Press Releases

Sanofi's Big Move from a Pharma to a Health Care Solutions Company Canada - Jon Fairest, Sanofi Canada President and CEO, offers insight to eyeforpharma on the key reasons why pharma needs to adhere to patient centricity. 2014-03-28 17:02
The current healthcare system is not designed to get patients to participate Epatient and Patient research advocate, Jack Whelan, is active in clinical trials but admits that the pharma industry could be more accessible to patients. 2014-03-07 17:08
eyeforpharma: Limited conference passes remain for eyeforpharma Barcelona 2014 eyeforpharma have announced that only a limited number of conference passes now remain for the Barcelona 2014 Conference & Exhibition (March 18-20th, CCIB, Barcelona, Spain), ( 2014-03-04 16:40
Technology the key to success in the ‘Most valuable HCP or Healthcare initiative’ category at eyeforpharma Barcelona Awards ASD Healthcare, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, Sanofi, Angelini and the George Institute of Global Health have been announced as the finalists for the ‘Most valuable HCP or healthcare initiative’ award at the first eyeforpharma Barcelona Awards. 2014-03-04 10:38
AstraZeneca, Astellas & WHO lead the way with the ‘Most impactful emerging or global initiatives’ at eyeforpharma Barcelona Awards AstraZeneca, Astellas & the World Health Organisation have been announced as the finalists for the ‘Most impactful emerging or global initiative’ award at the first eyeforpharma Barcelona Awards. 2014-03-03 12:53
Astellas & Bayer Healthcare three-time finalists at eyeforpharma Barcelona Awards As the finalists for the inaugural eyeforpharma Barcelona Awards are announced Astellas & Bayer Healthcare are favourites to be winners with three shortlisted projects each. 2014-02-28 12:42
Patients Advocating Pharma – It’s as Simple as Arming Them with the Right Information eyeforpharma, London: Arming patients with correct and up to date knowledge on their treatments doesn't only benefit them, but it benefits the pharmaceutical industry too, says Andrew Schorr, Founder, Patient Power. 2014-02-27 17:41
Patients: The Core of Grünenthal’s Corporate Philosophy eyeforpharma London: Everyone in pharma is currently talking about patient centricity, but Grünenthal has made placing the patient at the centre of everything they do a priority. 2014-02-27 11:38
Astellas & Bayer double up in the ‘Most valuable patient initiative’ category at eyeforpharma Barcelona Awards Both Astellas Pharma & Bayer Healthcare have two projects each in the shortlist for ‘Most valuable patient initiative’ category at the eyeforpharma Barcelona Awards; indicating both companies’ commitment to patient-centric innovation. 2014-02-27 11:13
Vree Health: Reduce Readmissions with Patient Engagement President Kyle Dolbow of Vree Health shares exclusive first look at patient support care. 2014-02-26 18:24
