Patients: The Core of Grünenthal’s Corporate Philosophy

eyeforpharma London: Everyone in pharma is currently talking about patient centricity, but Grünenthal has made placing the patient at the centre of everything they do a priority.

Werner Bleilevens, Head of Patient Centricity at Grünenthal has spearheaded a total corporate overhaul in his efforts to bring patients to the very centre. “It’s about giving the patient a seat at the table when it comes to decision making and considering them as an integral part of everything we do.”

Key to this comprehensive shift in policy is looking beyond understanding the patient’s basic medical needs, taking further reaching quality of life implications into consideration. According to Werner, “we also take into account the effect living with chronic pain has on their spouses and how it impacts on their lives day-to-day.”

He emphasises getting to know patients “personally”. The end result is clear understanding of their needs, desires, fear and motivations, this is achieved through listening to patients and those who work closely with them. It’s important not only to talk to professionals and patients but also their families and care givers.

Once a clearer and fuller picture of patients is established, adding value to the patient’s life becomes an easier opportunity for pharma. Pharma can quickly learn how to can improve packaging and information sources for example, to ensure the patients feel valued and comfortable and are fully able to engage with their treatment.  With the current lack of trust in pharma and considerable turn to the patient, the potential this offers cannot be under-emphasised. “The challenge for most companies is adapting to this mindset and making patient centricity part of their core corporate philosophy”.

Werner will be speaking, with a Patient Ambassador suffering from chronic pain, on how pharma can cause this internal change smoothly and cohesively at the Patients Summit 2014 in London, this June. Click here for more details

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