Press Releases

Beyond the Pitch: Future-Proofing the Pharma Rep We take a sneak peak into eyeforpharma's latest report, "Innovative Sales Strategies & Metrics" which identifies the skillset required for the rep of the future and how technology is changing the pharma sales force. 2014-02-19 09:54
Clinical Director, County Health Partnerships, NHS: Improving the patient experience starts with giving patients control eyeforpharma London: To really ensure patients are happy and compliant in their treatment, they must be allowed to actively contribute to building their treatment plans. 2014-02-11 17:24
Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium to the Pharmaceutical Industry – “You have our support” Belgium is opening its data vaults up to medical science in an effort to improve the healthcare industry. 2014-02-11 10:41
GSK Takes the Step Towards Total Transparency GlaxoSmithKline has made the bold move to realign its incentive plan away from sales volume and toward customer satisfaction and transparency. GSK vice president Jo Camiskey and Endo Pharmaceuticals’ Senior Director Kara Zubey recently spoke on this radical transition. 2014-02-10 16:43
World’s Largest Pharmaceutical Summit Brings Latest Innovations To Light In New Award Ceremony eyeforpharma Barcelona has just announced the finalists for their first time award ceremony. Astellas Pharma, Bayer and Pfizer are amongst the shortlisted companies who will celebrate what really matters when it comes to supporting patient outcomes 2014-02-10 12:14
The World’s Largest Pharmaceutical Summit Reaches Record Highs as Global Leaders Join to Discuss Real Innovation and Value to Patients Attendance for eyeforpharma Barcelona, the world’s largest commercial pharmaceutical event is up by 20% on last year. Numbers continue to rise as pharma brands gather to demonstrate their commitment to improving patient value. 2014-01-29 15:35
CMS Fee Schedule Changes Signal Move Towards Value-Based Care and Bundled Payment Models Annual Oncology summit will explore how emerging payment schema can be transposed to specialty care 2014-01-21 16:14
KAM Implementation: One of the Most Fundamental Changes in the Pharma Sales Model Today eyeforpharma, London (January 15, 2014): Gruntenthal UK believe that the continued survival of the pharmaceutical industry depends on successful KAM implementation, warning that its success hinges on buy-in from high level management and without their support your KAM approach is destined to fail. 2014-01-15 12:26
Boehringer Ingelheim nominated three times in eyeforpharma Barcelona Awards Nearly 100 entries for the inaugural eyeforpharma awards have already been received and leading the field is Boehringer Ingelheim, a company that has been nominated three times and, in each case, the nomination has been received from an external source. 2014-01-03 12:43
Community oncology and Accountable Care Organizations participate in conference on site of cancer care Conference will attempt to resolve the site of care debate for oncology patients and pharma 2014-01-02 11:28
