Ethical Corporation and Context have joined forces to help corporate responsibility reporting managers improve their reports with a new joint review and advice service

Company sustainability and CR managers often tell us they get little feedback after publishing their reports.

Not only is this disheartening, it leaves them unsure if the report is doing its job effectively.

Our new product, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Clinic, meets that need – the clinic offers a 'drop in' treatment for your reporting ailments in two stages:

1. Health check
2. Therapy session

Toby Webb, managing director of Ethical Corporation (EC) and Simon Propper, managing director of Context are two of the pre-eminent thought leaders in CS reporting having between them 24 years experience in producing reports and commenting on them.

This unique collaboration gives you access to a sharp journalistic eye combined with detailed knowledge of best practice and the realities of report production.

Our joint product, Reporting health check: is a thorough diagnosis of your report by EC and Context.

Both organisations will assess your report and produce a joint review, combining the media perspective with a practitioner’s expertise.

Reporting health check is not a tick box exercise - you don’t need us to check the GRI list. We give you our candid views based on a wealth of experience.

We comment on your choice of issues, your use of language and metrics and the credibility of your future strategy.

Rapid turn-around (usually within ten days) means you can use it during drafting or after publication.

Price: £3500

The second stage, Report therapy: is a 90-minute face-to-face consultation with Toby Webb, managing director of EC and Simon Propper, managing director of Context either by teleconference or in person in London.

The session will be tailored to your aspirations. You can focus on deepening your understanding of the strengths and weaknesses we see in your report. Or, we can jointly brainstorm fresh ideas to position you as a thought-leader in the field.

You will walk away with clear and inspiring ideas to be a better reporter and to make the production process easier. The cost also includes preparation time for the meeting by Toby and Simon.

Price: £2000

Our report doctors’ credentials

Ethical Corporation

Toby Webb is the founder and managing director of Ethical Corporation (EC) the eight-year-old media and research company on responsible business.

Each month, for more than six years, EC has analysed corporate responsibility and sustainability reports in its print magazine. Toby has written many of these reviews, and commissioned and edited dozens of others since 2001.

He teaches corporate social responsibility at Birkbeck College, University of London at Master's level.

Toby also serves as an advisor to development NGO AdvanceAid, and to the London Centre for Corporate Governance and Ethics at Birkbeck College.

Every year he chairs sessions on reporting at many of EC’s business conferences, such as this one coming up in November 2009 in London.

Toby also works with organisations such as the Guardian newspaper and the UK Conservative Party as an advisor on responsible business policy, reporting and activity.

He also writes a regular blog at:


Context has been helping leading companies report their social and environmental impacts since 1997. Their team is the most experienced anywhere in the world – having worked on over 200 reports and many of our clients are award winners.

A credible and candid report provides valuable information for stakeholders both inside and outside the company. When it is done well, reporting also helps companies determine priorities, create internal consensus and drive performance improvements.

But it’s tough – much tougher than most new reporters expect. As a result, many reports fall short. Credibility requires clear and objective writing as well as a good understanding of the subjects. This can be difficult for in-house teams and non-specialist writers.

Context helps overcome these obstacles and establish an approach tailored to your specific needs.

Simon Propper founded Context with Peter Knight in 1997, following five years with leading environmental consultancy Enviros. Simon heads Context’s London office that serves a longstanding list of European clients such as BT, GSK, Roche, Syngenta, Tesco, Unilever, and WPP.

He speaks regularly at conferences and client seminars and is an experienced facilitator of conference panels and management meetings.

If you would like to know more

So, if you are interested in talking with us about how we can help your organisation, just give us a call to discuss. We look forward to hearing from you.

EC’s Director, Toby, can be reached at +44(0) 20 7375 7561,

Context’s Director, Simon, can be reached at +44(0) 20 7251 0050 or

EC’s Research Manager, Pamela, can be reached at +44(0) 20 7375 7500 or

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