Ethical Corporation, the business intelligence company for sustainability will be working more closely with leading global responsible business expert and writer Mallen Baker

London, 12/08/10

Ethical Corporation, the global business intelligence company based in London and founded in 2001, has committed to a close working relationship with Mallen Baker, founder of Business Respect, and a leading commentator and writer on corporate responsibility.

As of August 2010, Mallen Baker will be working with Ethical Corporation as a contributing editor to Ethical Corporation's intelligence products: the print magazine, website, reports, and training.

In those roles he joins Brendan May, founder of the Robertsbridge Group, as a regular advisor, columnist and writer on responsible business. As with Brendan May, Mallen Baker will not be directly employed by Ethical Corporation, but will work as an external advisor, writer and contributor.

As a contributing editor Mallen will be working with Toby Webb, founder of Ethical Corporation, Pam Muckosy, head of research and training, and Ian Welsh, commissioning and production editor.

"We're delighted to be working more closely with Mallen", said Toby Webb, Ethical Corporation founder, "It's a perfect fit for us. After many years as our best-read columnist, Mallen will be writing much more for the print magazine and will soon be involved on other projects such as research and training".

Ethical Corporation has been expanding its roster of products in recent years. Within the print magazine and on the website the company offers country and issue briefings, regular articles, news and commentary. Ethical Corporation also hosts up to a dozen leading conferences around the world each year, and sells independent research reports on how big companies manage sustainability issues. Additionally the company now offers bespoke training to companies, stakeholder engagement products such as "Live Debate", feedback on sustainability reports, and roundtables and 'supported content' to promote particular responsible business issues with clients.

For futher information contact:
Liam Dowd
Marketing Manager
Ethical Corporation
+44 (0) 207 375 7500

About Ethical Corporation:
Founded in 2001, Ethical Corporation is the leading global business intelligence company for sustainability. Through a variety of face-to-face, online, research and publishing, promotional, training and advisory products, Ethical Corporation serves more than 3000 corporate, NGO and governmental customers each year.

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