Current Drugs releases IDdb3 for e-R&D monitoring

"The e-revolution has resulted in a huge increase in information and companies are having to restructure their business practices, including R&D, in response," said Brian Clark, Regional Director of Sales and Marketing at Current Drugs in the United States. "IDdb3 takes the hard work out of assimilating drug development data. We filter information so that users receive the most relevant facts."

The IDdb3 is an Internet-based service containing up-to-date discovery information on drugs, companies, patents, scientific meetings and literature. The service also is designed to offer gateways into complementary databases such as the National Library of Medicine's PubMed service.

"IDdb3 is an exceptionally valuable current awareness tool that provides timely and comprehensive information presented in a format designed for rapid assessment and relevance," said Richard M Soll, Vice-President of Chemistry, 3-Dimensional Pharmaceuticals and a user of the IDdb3 service.