Consumers rate Prevacid, Zocor and Nolvadex as top three Web sites

"Our survey rated 30 drug brand Web sites on ten different criteria," said Dilip Phandis, President of Rowin Group. "These listed sites distinguished themselves by their superior content." The other five brand sites rounding out the top ten include Rituxan, Copaxone, Zoloft, Viagra and Xenical. Each of the ten sites in the study were evaluated online by 40 consumers.

According to the Rowin Group's study, brand and disease Web sites are becoming more widely used, with consumers visiting the sites to gain practical information to manage their conditions.

In contrast, another poll by the Rowin Group studying the top site choices of physicians, found that their needs are very different to those of consumers. Physicians rated their top five sites as Singulair, Evista, Norvase, Copaxone and Crxivan. Many physician-aimed Internet sites implement tools such as e-detailing and PDAs (personal digital assistants) to convey prescribing information to professionals.

The Rowin Group study concluded that when it comes to information sites, consumers rated as their top choice, followed by, and for depth of content.