Pharma Social Media..Yes It's Possible

At least weeks Drug Information Association (DIA) Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, I was part of a panel talking about the latest in pharma and healthcare social media. Yesagain.

It seems like no matter how many blog posts about social media I write or how many new additions I make to the Pharma and Healthcare Social Media Wiki, some people still dont know whats going on with the industry and social media. The main point of my talk was that, yes, pharma social media does exist, unlike our friend Nessie (or Bigfoot or The Yeti or decent pizza outside of New York), which does not. Of course, you, fair readers of this blog, are a bit further ahead than most, but you might find my presentation from the meeting to be helpful nonetheless. Its a concise view of who is doing what and why it works (or doesnt).

You can download the PowerPoint version of Pharma Social Media-Yes, It's Possible (333 downloads) here. My only request: if you like it, tweet it (or LIKE! it)spread the love. [NOTE: If you feel compelled to "re-use" any of the content from the presentation, please make sure you're giving proper attribution. Don't be "that guy."]

As an additional service to all of you, Ive taken the audio from my presentation and synced it up with the slides using SlideShares (frustrating-to-create-but-easy-for-you-to-view-tool) SlideCast. Fo access click below:

Pharma Social MediaYes, Its Possible

And just in case youve missed something from the past, you can find more presentations and publications on my Pubs and Presos page.


Jonathan is Director of Social Media for Bridge Worldwide, a leading digital and relationship marketing agency, and regularly writes about pharma marketing on his blog Dose of Digital. Feel free to send him a tweet to @jonmrich.