Love is in the air

If I had a dollar for every statistic or research out put that emphasised how much the general public loathed the industry I would be a millionaire.

If I had a dollar for every statistic or research out put that emphasised how much the general public loathed the industry I would be a millionaire. Surprisingly a recent piece of research conducted by Ipsos Mori sheds fresh light on this mature myth

Mori's research found that half of the general public had positive feelings about the pharmaceutical industry. We are not hated, at least not by the majority. Better still, 50% of MPs and 46% of Jornalist share the same positive perspective about our industry.

This is not an excuse for complacency but it is encouraging that some of the value created and delivered by the industry is noted and appreciated amidst all the hype. We can do a better job communicating the wider value the indstry creates. We can learn from our consumer colleagues about the power and potential of a strong corporate brand

The fact remains we still hold all the aces, our sector has the most compelling story to tell. We have to get on wiith the job of creating and telling these stories. the good news is the public can already sense the value despite our poor attempt at articulating it.