Key account management planning

Key account management continues to be a topic of hot debate, with Hanno last week asking the question are we doing it or just talking about it?

Key account management continues to be a topic of hot debate, with Hanno last week asking the question are we doing it or just talking about it? Personally I think some companies are trying it out with varying amounts of success and others are just talking about it. A potential area for further exploration is planning in the area of KAM both now and for the future.


What I see currently is to exploit some of the potential opportunities present at the moment levels of planning need to improve. The traditional where are we now, where do we want to be plan, and how are we going to get there, is still relevant.  What is needed is more external environmental scanning and analysis at a territory/regional and national level to really identify the opportunities which exist now and will present in the future. How many companies train their sales people or account managers to complete PESTLE analysis? In my experience it is something reserved for head office, but with localised healthcare policies there is a real need to be doing this analysis at a territory level.


In terms of the future I wonder are we already planning for it, or are we waiting for things to be presented to us in a fait accompli manner? The NHS will only continue to move forward and change. Are we prepared for this, what are we doing to prepare for products in the pipeline, and the opportunities these will present? Is the sales force we have now, the sales force we will need next year? If not are we doing enough prepare for this especially in the area of strategic workforce planning.