Does Pharma Twitter?

I was amazed recently at the level of response to a small post on my "other" blog on the subject of Twitter.

I was amazed recently at the level of response to a small post on my "other" blog on the subject of Twitter. [See [] Although most people have probably heard of Twitter, its number of active users remains small compared to social media giants such as Facebook.

Personally, I have been playing around with Twitter lately to get to know it a little better. I'm still not convinced it is the miracle marketing medium some think it is. I do see the attraction and the possibilities, done well, for marketing big consumer brands. But mostly I see it as a fun time waster. And I find it can be extremely distracting and addictive as well. Personally, I experience Twitter in fits and starts.

Do I ever think Pharma will enthusiastically adopt Twitter? It's possible. But it would have to be the right product, the right message and the right person. So I put the question out there on my blog asking if anyone knew of any pharmas that were currently on Twitter. The response I recieved was the most of any blog post I had posted to date!

In the spirit of sharing, here's a list of pharma-related Tweeps that came out of the wordwork, including several pharma companies:

I'm on Twitter, too, but my posts are not always pharma-related. You can find me at @wendyblackburn

Please let me know of any further pharma-related Tweeps of which you are aware. And if you, too, are on Twitter, maybe I will see you there...