What got us here, will not get us there - adapt or die thinking about it

Not all change leads to improvement, however without change there will be no improvement. In our current situation change is overdue, although we hate change either we change or we will be changed.

Not all change leads to improvement, however without change there will be no improvement. In our current situation change is overdue, although we hate change either we change or we will be changed. Our choice!

Summer is well and truly over for the industry and it is obvious we are behind schedule in preparing for the next phase. The clouds of change are heavy, time for procrastination is over. We are quick to talk and slow to act, problem is patients, governments and physicians are getting irritable.

It is time to try a different approach to value creation and delivery. As Charles Darwin famously said It is not the strongest of species that survive nor the most intelligent.....but the one most responsive to change. The moment of change is here, let's embrace it!