The secret to effective Marketing is......

We face the twin threats of economic climate and increasing regulation. How can we navigate our way through these?

We face the twin threats of economic climate and increasing regulation. How can we navigate our way through these? What do we need to do to make marketing the healthcare arena more effective.

The future effectiveness of Pharma marketing depends on our willingness to tell the TRUTH. We need to aim to become the most trusted industry, it is peculiar that doctors are trusted and despite the connections between our work and theirs we are viewed unfavourably

It is not because we do not add value, make a difference, save or enhance lives, it is simply because we have not been telling the truth, the whole truth. And where there is no trust regulations increases. Take a look at the situation facing the financial sector currently, even their salries and bonuses are being scrutinised

We need to tell truth, nothing but the truth and any misconceptions we might have about the role of marketing should be clarified. The truth and only a culture of telling the truth ( no more no less) will see the public mood and attitude towards us change.

The effective healthcare marketers of the future will tell the truth, the whole truth and it will have a massive impact on our ability to market. Our relationships with payors does not have to be adversorial. The public can love, respect and trust us but only if we are known for telling the truth