Paralytic analytics - BS in BS out

What gets measured gets done we are told. So we measure call rates and they get done, do they? Well there is no shortage of analytics that prove the value of calls, meetings and events on sales.

What gets measured gets done we are told. So we measure call rates and they get done, do they? Well there is no shortage of analytics that prove the value of calls, meetings and events on sales. Did these events really occur? Did they occur like we imagine? Have we built an empire based on false assumptions

What do you think? What percentage of calls are genuine calls that deserve to be considered as a call on cutomers? I have heard estimates that as much as 40% of so called calls did not occur at least not as the strategist imagine. Yet Sales force strategies has been built on such assumptions

Do our reps lie? if so why? Perhaps because we do not want to hear the truth - the proposition and sales model we have bneen pushing is about as attractive as a raincoat in the dessert. change is long overdue. Time to face reality!