If you do not like communication? There's more of you than you think?

If you do not like communication?

There's more of you than you think?

Over the last few months the media have literally slaughtered the phrase 'economic downturn'. Again and again and again throughout the world we are being warned. But what the media takes with one hand it gives with another. CNN provide their daily 'road to recovery' slot to comfort those feeling the pinch, and is it me or are the adverts on TV beginning to play on this 'fear' a little bit too much? But don't you feel their is certain element of 'talking at us' rather than 'talking with us'. We are being told to do this and do that rather than seeking the clearest and most effective answers together as a whole.

Thankfully the world is beginning to listen. The G20 Summit in London this week, gathered the big players together and guess what.... they discussed logically and agreed strategically on the most critical economic challenges facing our world today. For all the media, all the hype, all the 'what ifs'. The power of face-to-face meetings and dialogue is an art-form that may have proven it's true value once again.

I believe the only way forward is for us to stop acting as silos or separate units. Go and speak to your line manager, secretary or those you work closely with and both discuss your challenges together. I guarantee you will begin to see a clearer way forward.

If these simple rules would have been followed then maybe 'the economic downturn' may never have been so bad. But then again we had to give the media something to write about didn't we!

Thanks ;-)