Are we all Marketers?

When you consider what Marketers should do surely we are all Marketers. Is it practical or realistic to do marketing through head office based brand managers?

When you consider what Marketers should do surely we are all Marketers. Is it practical or realistic to do marketing through head office based brand managers? I think not, Brand managers are head office marketing project managers we are all Marketers

The Marketers tell us Marketing is about identifying, anticipating and meeting customer needs. Is this the job of an organisation or the job of a department.

Let's consider understanding customers, is this all about head office researchers? Surely in order to get a deep understanding of our customers, we need feedback from all our touch points with customers. Therefore the brand teams role is project leadership.

How do we meet their needs? Again if this is not the job of the whole company then we are missing a trick. Marketers lead the process, design the proposition and the organisation delivers it.

Perhaps the problem is that too often we think marketing is an exclusive job for a few, I disagree we are all Marketers or we should all be involved in the marketing process. If you find any activity that your company does that does not fit into the marketing process, I would love to hear about it.