The Reuters Events: Pharma Australia 2020 is where pharma leaders meet to learn, network and find ideas to their greatest challenges.

  • Net Promoter Score of Previous Events
  • Platform and Content Cored 8/10
  • Seniority: Director & above 84%
  • Senior-level pharma 600+

You won’t find a better opportunity to meet and do business with pharma’s innovators and decision-makers. Whether they’re existing clients or new faces, we will facilitate interaction, brand exposure and business development opportunities through virtual workshops, presentations, panel sessions and exhibitions, plus a networking suite that allows messaging and meeting organization with all attendees.

When you sponsor, you'll be able to connect with decision makers from:

Marketing SFE/Field Force Effectiveness
Digital Sales
Multichannel Commercial Strategy
IT/CRM Commercial Operations
Patient Engagement / Centricity Brand / Product / Business Units

Reuters Events Pharma (formerly eyeforpharma) has been an excellent partner for us in helping to build our pipeline and nurture relationships with decision-makers in the industry.

Marcus West, CEO 60 Seconds Logo Marcus West Headshot

What you can expect when you sponsor

  • Your brand in front of your prospects: We will work with you to get your brand in front of the prospects and clients that can transform your business – from marketing leaders to digital transformation and commercial strategy leads.
  • Be seen as a thought-leader: With hundreds of pharma leaders signing up for our virtual events, your company can be seen as a thought-leader in the space. Whether that be via a panel session, presentation or interactive workshop.
  • Showcase your solutions: More than ever, pharma needs solutions and with the Virtual Exhibition you can share product brochures, the latest research and business cards with prospects who need it.
  • Kickstart sales cycles: Whether that be “cold” prospects or old acquaintances, the Networking at an Reuters Events Pharma Australia will enable you set up meetings with pharma leaders and accelerate your business development efforts.

Deliver ROI on your marketing spend

Today’s marketing manager needs to track ROI reliably, that’s why we have added technology to track the number of eyeballs on your thought leadership pieces, number of business card received, number of clicks on advertising banners and number of meetings generated through our platform - providing you with certainty on the effectiveness of your marketing spend. Here’s what you can expect when you sponsor:

  • An average of 40+ meetings for your business development teams
  • Dedicated sponsorship manager to support you reaching your lead generation goals
  • Lead generation activities via online networking platform, interactive workshops and roundtables

A snapshot of 2019’s senior decision makers:

Otsuka's Logo
BMS's Logo
Ferring's Logo
Shire's Logo

jazz_pharmaceuticals's Logo
Boehringer Ingelheim's Logo

UCB's Logo
Alexion's Logo

Janssen's Logo
Mylan's Logo
Novartis's Logo
Mayne Pharma's Logo

Bayer's Logo
GSK's Logo
Allergan's Logo
Leo Pharma's Logo

Actelion's Logo
Sanofi's Logo

Celgene's Logo
Roche's Logo

AstraZeneca's Logo
Abbvie's Logo

Sponsorship opportunities

Deliver on your marketing objectives with:

Virtual Workshop: Connect with sales-ready leads with an interactive session with selected senior-leaders interested in hearing about your product solutions

Keynote presentation: Gain maximum visibility for your thought-leader and brand with premium positioning on the conference agenda

Presentation: Deliver thought-leadership and challenge pharma to go beyond business as usual.

Panel session: Be seen as a leader in your space with a moderator or panellist slot on one of the panel sessions.

Virtual Exhibition: Ensure your brand and solutions are where attendees go to find solutions to their challenges.

Banner advert: Gain maximum brand exposure and clicks back to your website with a banner around the video live stream.

Who you’ll meet when you sponsor or exhibit

Real decision-makers

Other events say they attract senior executives - people with clout, budget, ideas and a mission. We really mean it. 2000 of them.

Real diversity

Pharma Australia attracts the widest APAC audience of any Australian event:

Here to help

Get in touch with the Reuters Events: Pharma Team