Small Modular Reactors

Intelligence Brief 4 – 18 February 2015

Feb 13, 2015

NuScale helical coil tube testing starts in Italy

Likely options for the UK Small Modular Reactor market

Feb 13, 2015

Attention SMR designers: the UK could be a significant market. We look at plausible timeframes for the UK to regain its nuclear power heritage with the deployment of SMRs.

Licensing process to catapult US-SMR export potential

Jan 28, 2015

The US small modular reactor (SMR) market is inching towards becoming a fully fledged part of the nuclear industry, the question is how can all this progress spur an SMR export market...

Washington task force will continue examining SMRs

Jan 2, 2015

In an effort to see where Washington state can decrease its carbon foot print and decrease its dependence on fossil fuels for household and business energy consumption, a task force...

TVA proceeds with SMR plan

Jan 2, 2015

Tennessee Valley Authority plans to move ahead with plans to develop an Oak Ridge site for a small modular reactor (SMR).

SMR: Young entrepreneur is on path to make nuclear fusion a hot commodity

Dec 5, 2014

Richard Dinan, a young and multi-sector entrepreneur explains how he hopes to create a prototype micro-fusion reactor through his start-up Applied Fusion Systems. Could big bang...

Jacopo Buongiorno, MIT

May 14, 2014

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have proposed a tsunami-proof nuclear concept that combines current reactor technology with a rig similar to those used...
