Industry Insight

Progressive misgivings over nuclear unlikely to derail US strategy

Jan 26, 2021

The new U.S. Democratic leadership is making positive noises for the continuation, and possible expansion, of the previous administration’s own beefed up nuclear strategy despite the...

Final Brexit impact on nuclear supply chains remains unclear

Jan 13, 2021

The United Kingdom’s end-of-year exit from the European Union came with an agreement over how to conduct nuclear related business, however the industry must wade through the fine print...

New nuclear, LTO among cheapest low carbon options, report shows

Jan 12, 2021

New nuclear power will be among the cheapest dispatchable, low-carbon power producing technology by 2025 while extending the life of existing nuclear plants is the most cost effective...

A giant leap for nuclear as reactors head to the Moon and Mars

Dec 22, 2020

The U.S. space agency NASA has used nuclear-driven power systems in its missions since the sixties, but a new directive to establish base camps on the Moon and Mars will see nuclear...

Spot takes nuclear O&M to parts other robots cannot reach

Dec 22, 2020

Boston Dynamics’ four-legged robot Spot walks like a living quadruped, has a small footprint that won’t churn up dust, is easily hosed down and cleaned and may soon be in every nuclear...

UK nuclear plan seen as tentative step in the right direction

Dec 8, 2020

The British government’s energy plan, as laid out in recent policy papers, is a step in the right direction for nuclear, but lacks key details, say industry insiders.

Nuclear takes a leaf out of Oil&Gas book on decommissioning

Dec 8, 2020

When it comes to decommissioning, studies show nuclear power and the fossil-fuel industry, from oil rigs to coal-fired power stations, have a lot to learn from each other on how to...

Fatigue assessment studies aim to extend plant lifespans

Nov 24, 2020

Component durability within a nuclear power station is tested exhaustively in laboratories, but complimentary studies are looking at how the same materials perform within operational...

US nuclear plans on track despite partisan divides

Nov 24, 2020

Plans in the United States to invest heavily in nuclear R&D to prepare for the next generation of power generating technology will continue despite a chaotic political transition...

CANDU owners take latest step in cross-industry coordination

Nov 3, 2020

While some civil nuclear energy projects struggle with a sector that is often disjointed and disorganized, Canada’s CANDU Owners Group (COG) has taken its latest step in improving...
