Mission statement

“Poverty is an outrage against humanity. It robs people of dignity, freedom and hope, of power over their own lives. Christian Aid has a vision – an end to poverty – and we believe that vision can become a reality.”

Size and organisational structure  

Based in the UK, in 2011/12, Christian Aid worked in 48 countries with 578 partner organisations and 901 staff, spending £80.9m on direct charitable activity, £12.6m on fundraising and £1.3m on governance.

The board of trustees consists of a chair, a nominee from each of the national committees for Wales and Scotland, the chair of Christian Aid Ireland, a nominee of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI), and up to 20 other trustees.

Sources of funding

More than half its income comes from appeals and donations. In the 1980s, government funding became available to Christian Aid for the first time, and in 2011/12 institutional funding accounted for 38% of Christian Aid’s income.

Leadership and key personnel

Loretta Minghella OBE, director

Dr Rowan Williams (former Archbishop of Canterbury), chair from May 2013

Brief history

After the second world war, British and Irish church leaders formed Christian Reconstruction to help European refugees. During the 1950s it began working globally and in 1957 introduced Christian Aid Week.

In 1964, due to the success of Christian Aid Week, the organisation changed its name to Christian Aid.

Campaign sectors

Christian Aid works across Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America on five themes: equality for all; power to change institutions; fair shares in a constrained world; rights to essential services; and, tackling violence, building peace.

In the UK, key campaign themes are tax justice and climate change.

Campaigning highlights

1990s: The Banking on the Poor campaign contributed to world leaders promising to deliver $100bn in debt cancellation.

2010: Campaigned for the UK government to use its influence at the EU, and ensure rich countries took responsibility for their global emissions. The EU emissions cuts target was increased to 30%.

2012: Significant progress in the promotion of international financial transparency, and increased awareness of tax as a fundamental development issue.

This profile is part of Ethical Corporation's special management briefing on activist NGOs

Christian Aid  EC Newsdesk  ngo news  NGO Profile  stakeholder engagement 

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