Grays Harbor plans setting up of its offshore power plant

Grays Harbor Ocean Energy Co is in news for its plans to set up an “unusual offshore power plant”.

The company says it has identified the right technology solutions for sustainable installation and operation of large offshore wind/wave farms.

According to, the company has proposed installing windmills on top of platforms that also would generate electricity from waves, one installation off Ventura County and another near San Francisco. Another report has indicated that as far as the plant near San Francisco is concerned, its proposed location lies between the Golden Gate and the Farallon Islands, amidst a marine sanctuary.

According to the company, it has obtained a federal preliminary permit for a demonstration project of offshore wind/wave renewable power generation at Grays Harbor in Washington state.

The company has applied for federal preliminary permits for the development of seven sites offshore of six US states, each about 100 square miles and capable of generating up to 1000 MW each.  The sites are in California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York and New Jersey. The permit applications are for wave power only; the wave power will be generated from platforms that can also support wind turbines.