DOE supports tower manufacturing, installation in US

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Wind Program recently issued a Notice of Intent for a funding opportunity that it intends to post early in 2014, pending Congressional appropriations.

The programme focuses on technological development to improve the reliability and affordability of wind energy and addressing barriers to wind energy deployment. The programme funds research and development activities through competitive solicitations.

The latest funding opportunity, tentatively titled “U.S. Wind Manufacturing: Taller Hub Heights to Access Higher Wind Resources, and Lower Cost of Energy” intends to support partnerships, paving way for designs and processes for wind turbine tower manufacturing and turbine system installation.

Supported projects will develop technologies that mitigate U.S. transportation and logistics constraints affecting the deployment of taller utility-scale wind turbine systems with hub heights of at least 120m. Scaling to taller towers allows wind turbines to capture less turbulent and often stronger wind resources, thereby increasing the amount of U.S. land area that can cost-effectively support wind energy development.