Obama tipped to support the US solar market

There are indications that Barack Obama will provide a boost to the domestic renewable energy space, including support for the US solar market.

It is being highlighted that Obama's historic election as president brings with it the likelihood of more government involvement in business and the reeling economy. Obama's energy plan is to put $150 billion into clean technology over a decade — an initiative that would create five million jobs.

Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) acknowledges it, too.

For its part, SEIA plans to work with Obama Administration and New Congress to put America back to work with solar energy.

SEIA president Rhone Resch said, "Americans hired a new generation of leaders on the expressed promise that they will support clean energy policies. Now it's time to move forward on implementing the Obama energy plan that will create five million green-collar jobs in the US."

"In the coming months, both the new Administration and new Congress must tackle our nation's ongoing energy challenges.  We look forward to working with President-elect Obama and a new Congressional class to create a sustainable national market for solar through common-sense policies. This means combating global warming with the proper incentives for solar and addressing our aging electricity infrastructure. We can do this while stimulating economic growth and creating high-quality jobs. It's time to get to work for our country's energy future," said Resch.