South African concentrated solar power executives call for more competition amongst EPCs

In an exclusive CSP Today study of over 100 executives in the concentrated solar power industry in South Africa it has emerged that more competition between EPC contractors was viewed as the number one factor in reducing costs in CSP development.

The results emerged as part of the CSP Today ‘CSP in South Africa: Industry Development Survey’, where over 100 executives were surveyed for their views on topics such as storage, O&M, international markets and cost cutting.


CSP Today analyst Marco Geraghty said, “The survey results showed us that despite having access to international markets for specialist components the South African CSP Industry still feels held to ransom by EPC contractors”.


He also added that, “While South Africa is still an emerging market this problem will persist, but as more expertise and experience is developed locally we may see a reverse in this trend”.


The rest of the guide also covered topics such as storage, regulation, emerging markets and O&M.


To view the full results and analysis the guide is available free of charge and can be downloaded at: