Castilla-La Mancha to strengthen its infrastructure

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha has taken an initiative to improve its electricity transportation network.

José María Barreda, President of the Castilla-La Mancha regional government, has signed an agreement with Luis Atienza, President of grid operator Red Eléctrica Española, S.A. (REE) for the same.

The agreement will allow the region to have access to 5,500 MW of wind energy by 2015 and another 1,300 MW in solar thermal energy.

The pact will facilitate the development of requisite electrical energy infrastructure in Castilla-La Mancha. This would ensure that projects located in the region would be able to transfer all the energy generated from clean sources into the network.

More than 9,000 jobs are expected to result from the agreement. More than 6,500 people will be employed during the construction of future energy generation projects, and estimates call for the creation of more than 2,500 jobs tied to industrial and technological projects.