Is the Safe Rx Act coming to your area?

While this topic is specific to the United States, I wanted to share a new legislation with you, which went into effect a few weeks ago in Washington, D.C. and may follow to other states

The legislation called the Safe Rx Act will require the licensure and continuing eduction of pharmaceutical representatives in the DC area (at a yearly cost of $250 or more according to some sourced) and will also prohibit them from providing knowingly false information to physicians (this means off label). In addition to regulating detailers, SafeRx creates an academic detailing program to educate doctors on the latest developments in pharmaceutical research (probably paid for by the dollars earned from rep licensure). Finally, the bill prohibits members of the Districts Medical Advisory Committees from receiving gifts from pharmaceutical companies.

While I am not sure what the implications will be for the Medical Science Teams in the DC area (will they too be part of this legislation and require the same licensure, etc.?), there are implications to interactions with national, regional and local opinion leader specifically related to engaging those involved in the Districts medical advisory committees in fee-based activities such as Ad Boards, Speaker Programs, and the like. As such, it is important for Pharmaceutical companies (particularly Sales, Marketing and Medical teams) to start building their 360-degree knowledge of key opinion leaders through continuously updated profiles that include information on recent board memberships and much more! This will become even more compelling as more and more states jump on the band-wagonand continue to refine what Pharma can and cannot do.

What implications do you feel this will have on pharma's sales and marketing models? How are Sales, Medical and Marketing teams going to be able to build and manage this 360 degree knowledge of KOLs? I would be interested in your comments.

Susan Dorfman
VP Global Marketing