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Your search for "ITER" gave back 9 results.

Breakthrough proves fusion is a shot at the stars worth taking

The recent breakthrough in fusion technology may not herald an imminent near-term solution to the world’s energy problems but highly motivated private startups and ambitious, public multinational projects are still worth the billions in investment they are attracting.

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Final Brexit impact on nuclear supply chains remains unclear

The United Kingdom’s end-of-year exit from the European Union came with an agreement over how to conduct nuclear related business, however the industry must wade through the fine print of the overarching free trade agreement (FTA) to access the full impact, experts say.

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Fusion pioneers say tech will beat many SMRs to market

Fusion technology, boosted by a jump in private investment, will be commercially viable within the next 10 to 15 years, say scientists and startups working on the fast-developing technology, likely beating many planned advanced small modular fission reactors to market.

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SMR: Young entrepreneur is on path to make nuclear fusion a hot commodity

Richard Dinan, a young and multi-sector entrepreneur explains how he hopes to create a prototype micro-fusion reactor through his start-up Applied Fusion Systems. Could big bang technology be the next big thing in clean energy? And could young enterprising entrepreneurs make nuclear cool again?