By Nick Johnson - June 24th, 2014

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Initial findings from the new State of Corporate Social Media briefing

I’ve just begun to look at the data from this year’s annual State of Corporate Social Media survey — a survey myself and the team at Useful Social Media have been conducting once a year since 2011.

We had over 500 in-house, corporate-based social media executives complete the survey, and there are some fascinating findings en route.

It’ll take a little longer to process all that data — and find trends/developments by comparing with previous years’ datasets. So meanwhile, I wanted to share a few initial charts.

Below are four charts illuminating the role of the social media team in 2014. Let me know what you think — and if it’s worded well enough, I might even include your feedback in the final briefing.

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The above graphs are just a glimpse at the 30+ graphs and benchmarks that this year's Briefing will contain. Enter your details here and we'll send you the briefing, free of charge, as soon as it's published.

If you have any feedback concerning the above please do comment below.

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